Characteristics of radio
Characteristics of radio

characteristics of radio

When | s| 1, the plasma condition of the source region is ω c < ω p < k ⊥ v ⊥, and the emission source is likely to produce zebra-pattern emission.

characteristics of radio characteristics of radio

The analysis demonstrates that the source region of the stripes emission is located underneath the reconnection point, where the ratio s of the instability growth rate to the electron gyrofrequency ω c does not equal unity that is, s = k ⊥ v ⊥/ω c ≠ 1. A new analytical study is carried out to identify the plasma characteristics of fiber- and zebra-pattern emission sources without an underlying density or magnetic model. An investigation of the generation mechanism for stripes-pattern radio spectra is important for an understanding of the dynamics of non-thermal electrons in several astronomical objects, including the Sun, Jupiter, and the Crab Pulsar.

Characteristics of radio